Olympos Trek - Outdoor Activities

Nikea Postcode 41500 Athanasiou Diakou str. 179


Olympos Trek is a company, specialized in outdoor activities and multi activity holidays in east Thessaly region and east Macedonia region in central Greece. The exact location of our activities and holiday programs are: Mt. Olympos, Tempi Valley and Pinios river, Mt. Kissavos (Ossa), Mt. Pelion. Meteora and the coast of mt Kissavos, mt Pelion.

Olympos Trek activities are in absolute harmony with the human need for a balanced contact with the natural environment. Our activities are carefully created and planned, so that they are accessible to all of you according to your personal taste and experience and yet, with the element of action and adventure always present.

Our professional guidance and the appropriate equipment are the guarantees of your enjoyment and safety. At the same time you have the opportunity to soak up the atmosphere and beauty and find out about the tradition and history, so abundant in this country.

Published: 21 Jul. 2015
Published by: OlymposTrek

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